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George joins us today and he shares his experience going from $0 to $200,000 per month on Amazon in only 9 months. George has previously been selling on other less common platforms besides Amazon, but the fact that he built a 7 figure revenue stream on Amazon in less than a year makes this an episode you don't want to miss.
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If you'd like to get more reviews for your products on Amazon check out Salesbacker.
Show Notes and Links
- Find suppliers on ThomasNet
- Find product ideas at large retail stores like Bed, Bath & Beyond, The Container Store, Target
- Sell on Flash Sale sites like: Gilt Groupe, One Kings Lane, Wayfair, Joss and Main
Podcast Transcript
Intro: Hello, everyone. Chris Guthrie here, host of the Sellercast podcast. And in today’s episode, we speak with George who’s gone from 0 to $200,000 per month on Amazon in only nine months. That’s absolutely fantastic. George also mentions a lot of resources in this episode, so you can go to to check out those links that are mentioned. And finally, you can also use a tool that George uses as well to help you get more product reviews for the products you’re selling on Amazon by going to That’ll give you a free trial of Salesbacker, the tool that he uses, and that we created to help you get more reviews. And those, of course, can help you drive more sales. So let’s dive in this episode. One of the things I want to mention is that the audio quality is a little spotty in a few locations, so bear with it. There are a lot of gems in here, so let’s start the show.
Chris Guthrie: Hello, everyone. Chris Guthrie here, and with me is George. George, welcome to this show.
George: Hey, thank you, Chris. Glad to be here.
Chris Guthrie: Yeah. I know you reached out to me and said, “Hey, I learned a lot about selling on Amazon. I think I could be able to share some great information for you, so I’d like to come on the show.” And I’m glad that we were able to put this together, so thanks so much.
George: No, I mean I haven’t been selling on Amazon too, too long, but I certainly have really dived really deep into it. I’m happy to share my experience with everyone, and I hope you can take something away from it.
Chris Guthrie: Yes, so let’s just get into that first. How long have you been selling on Amazon for? And maybe we can talk a bit more about your background and other places that you’re selling a little bit after that.
George: Yeah, sure, absolutely. I’ve been selling on Amazon just a little bit shy of nine months now. My first sale was on 1st of March. But I was probably doing my product research and a bunch of other things beforehand, trying to get ready to sell specifically on Amazon, so it’s been about nine months for me selling on Amazon using FBA.
Chris Guthrie: Okay, so nine months. And are you able to share the revenue numbers that you generate right now?
George: Yeah, it’s been great. I just looked over my numbers just now. The first couple of months, we’re doing maybe like $3000 a month, $5000 a month. I just hit $200,000 in this last month. And also, our product is pretty seasonal, so I’m expecting that there’s going to be a tick up for November and then also December for our particular product line, so let’s see. It is my first time going to the holiday season with Amazon, and it’s been really great. It’s been a lot of movement, and it’s been a lot of fun.
Chris Guthrie: That’s awesome. So you started out $3000 a month, $5000 a month, which by itself is great for a lot of people when they get started. But then $200,000 a month, and you aren’t yet at the busy season for your product. That’s fantastic. That’s great.
George: Yeah. It’s unbelievable how much growth there’s been. I mean I don’t only have one product. I have a couple of products that I’ve launched. And it’s been really great. I think even despite the fact that we found a lot of success with this particular product line, I really think that there are a lot of opportunities on Amazon, and hopefully I can go into that.
Chris Guthrie: Yeah. So then let’s dive into that. Maybe you can talk about that transition, because if you’re doing $3000 a month, $5000 a month for a fair amount of time—you said a few months that you’re doing that—then you all of a sudden, nine months later, are at a level of $200,000 a month. And you still have more to go, potentially, in November and December as we head into the holiday shopping season. Then there’s got to be some story behind that. So as much as you can share, I’m sure people would love to hear.
George: Yeah, absolutely. I think the real trick is to find specific products that are in categories that are underserved, specifically by ... people who are selling products specifically on Amazon already. So I think if you can find a specific category that has some pretty high demand and has a couple of really strong winners, and a product that can be optimized in a very specific way. I really think that there’s a lot of success that can be seen on Amazon. And I think that where people really get tripped up is they go for products that are in the pet space or that are in oversaturated areas like home & garden or kitchen or things like that. I think that in those specific areas, there’s just a lot of saturation. For example, there are so many FBA areas right now selling bear claws, for example. If you’re going into a product line and you’re seeing that there are a lot of other FBA sellers, I would really stay away from that even if there is pretty high demand because what’s going to end up happening is that all the competition is just going to drive your margins down further and further. It’s going to be harder and harder to compete in that specific category. So I think one of the reasons why I’ve seen success is I find either a specific product or a specific mechanism that’s being sold that isn’t … like an online course or who’s approaching this in a very methodical way and is basically just trying to figure out this is a unique product line that isn’t being sold specifically on Amazon and isn’t afraid to try a new product.
Chris Guthrie: Okay, that’s interesting. So one element definitely is the way that you’re picking your products and the niche that you’re selling in isn’t something that a lot of people are competing with. And you gave the example of bear claws. I believe that’s in the barbecue space. I use the example of barbecue grill brushes. And there are other ones out there where it’s just a lot of people selling the exact same thing.
So that’s one part of it. You mentioned you have multiple products. How many products did you add throughout that cycle to grow that? And then maybe beyond the niche research, maybe you can dive into some of the other things you did to actually drive those sales. Is it just sheer driving review growth, getting those keyword rankings, and then sticking better and better in the search results on Amazon? Or were there some other things that you were doing to help drive those sales as well?
George: One of the techniques that I use is I try to find products that not a lot of other FBA-ers would be interested in dabbling with. I think that for example, a lot of people focus on products that can fit in a shoebox. So what I’ve done in my approach is I’ve tried to find products that, for example, wouldn’t necessarily fit into a shoebox, that are a little bit oversized, that need to be shipped via ocean freight as opposed to being air freight. So then you’re going to get into a category that doesn’t have a lot of other FBA sellers and maybe has some unsophisticated sellers who have already been selling on Amazon for a number of years. And then using the techniques in this podcast or in a number of other podcasts – For example, I’m a really big fan of The Amazing Seller podcast with Scott Voelker. I’ve learned a lot. I know he was interviewed on your podcast, Chris.
Chris Guthrie: Yeah, episode 5, for people who are listening.
George: I’ve learned a lot from there. But basically, I’ve been able to focus on a specific area in terms of my product line that is very different than something that a normal FBA or a normal private labeler would come into and be able to sell specifically on that product line. So I really think that that’s been key in terms of being able to get into a specific category that is not already dominated by a lot of other players. And there’s a lot of stiff competition.
Chris Guthrie: Okay, definitely. That’s actually something that our guest of episode 9 – if you want to listen to that gig – had some pretty immediate success on Amazon. He mentioned similar strategies to what you’ve been saying here, George. Okay, so definitely, a niche research in going into specific product category makes sense. How many products did you start with? And was your growth from launching more products? Or was it from some other elements as well?
George: I don’t really do a lot of product giveaways. What I focus on doing is I really just try to upload as many products as possible, and start with pretty low quantities and just see if they sell. And this is kind of where I differ from the strategies on Scott Voelker’s podcast or a number of other podcasts where they specifically focus on just private-labeling on product. What I’ll do is I’ll put up, let’s say, five different products, buy them in quantities of 50 or 100 or 150, and then I’ll just put them up and start launching pay-per-click (advertisements). And then I’ll see if they start to sell. And really it’s sort of just been a growth transition. From the very beginning, I would price my products a bit lower than some of our competitors. I’ll put them up. I’ll start focusing on getting maybe some reviews from friends and family. And then the reviews kind of just keep coming in. Chris, I’m a fan of your Salesbacker software. So we’re constantly asking for either reviews or seller feedback, and it’s been really instrumental in terms of getting us to the level of where we are right now. I don’t really think that you need to do so many of these promotions, especially if you’re in a category that’s not necessarily as competitive. I do think that it might help in some instances, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be something that you have to do.
Chris Guthrie: Okay, that’s great. There are several things that you touched there that I’d like to dive in a little bit more. For one, you mentioned before that you’re primarily doing things that need to be sea-shipped, so there’s an additional challenge in terms of logistically handling that. And you were using lower quantities, 50 or 100 or 150 units, when you first launched those products to test them out. How are you handling the sample process? Are you working with suppliers that you’ve already established relationship with? And then it’s like, okay, well, here’s this other product that they can sell. And then you already have that relationship. So it’s lesser risk for you to say, “Okay, can I do 50 units of this other product that’s somewhat similar to what I’ve already been ordering for me?” That type of thing.
George: That’s pretty hard. One of the things that I’ve heard about dealing with China that’s always very helpful is talk big, order small. That’s what they want to hear. So if you can do that, if you can get their excitement and then say, “Hey, listen, we just want to be able to test this out, but hopefully, we’ll be able to deliver in a larger quantity, which hopefully, we’ll be able to do.” I think it’s a really great way to start with a smaller MOQ, which is a minimum order quantity, rather than trying to just put all your eggs sort of in one basket. And then in terms of shipping it to the U.S., I know that DHL have an ocean freight program or FedEx has an ocean freight program that can handle all the logistics specifically for you. It’s certainly not as complicated as it’s meant out to be. It won’t arrive after three or four days after the production has actually been completed. So there’s a little bit more patience that has to be involved. And also, if you’re using Amazon, it’s going to be a little bit higher too. But hopefully, you’ve been able to cost it out as much as you can. And that’s something that is really important. But I think the more that you focus on specific product lines that are necessarily being dominated on Amazon right now by other FBA sellers, the better success you’re going to find.
Chris Guthrie: Yeah, definitely. I think that’s a continuing theme that we kind of talked about throughout this, and it’s something I’ve seen with other sellers that are doing well. I mean obviously, people can succeed in those competitive areas. You just have to attack it in somewhat different ways or some type of a differentiation to help separate yourself rather than launching me-too type products. And even still, actually, people can succeed with that, but again, there’s more competition.
George: I think what’s going to happen is you’ll be able to succeed kind of early on. You start to give some giveaways, and then your ranking will increase. But then as more and more sellers come on board, more and more competitive it’s going to end up being. I know a lot of those categories are super popular. But my advice to anyone who’s just getting started out is really twofold: 1) Try to find a category that’s not being dominated by a lot other FBA sellers, and then has a lot of demand but maybe not a lot of reviews. 2) Don’t be afraid to put products up on Amazon that aren’t already up on Amazon, because if something isn’t like Bed, Bath & Beyond or The Container Store or in Target and you’re not seeing it up on Amazon, there’s no reason why you can’t do something that’s pretty similar and put up on Amazon and then start to sell, because if it’s in one of those stores, you know there’s already a pretty high demand for it.
Chris Guthrie: That’s great. It’s a great tip. Is there anything that you’re using to try and see that other than just looking at their specific websites to try and find those types of products that are selling at Target? Or are you looking more specifically in actual stores?
George: Yeah. Here’s a dirty little secret about a lot of retailers, specifically those mass-market retailers, and that is the online versions of those stores are going to be very different than the in-store versions. In online, they have an unlimited “shelf” space. But then in a store, you’re very limited because you only have a certain number of square footage in a particular store and shelf space and things like that. So what I would do, and what I do now, is I go into a store and I’ll say, okay, this is a product here that’s sort of in the beginning of the store, that’s in the entryway to the store. So I know that has a pretty high turn and pretty high margins. This is a product that isn’t necessarily small, like can be in a shoebox. And then I’ll just take a number of photos. And then I’ll go back and I’ll do some product research up on Amazon, and I’ll say, “Listen, is this something that can eventually do pretty well on Amazon? Is someone already selling this? Is no one selling this right now? And maybe there’s a demand for it.” So I think there are a lot of product lines that aren’t necessarily up on Amazon right now that could take a place later on Amazon and that could still do pretty well, or even variations of a specific product. So I think that’s something that people need to consider.
Chris Guthrie: Yeah, definitely. So going back again, in the previous question, I really think you kind of hammered in some of the elements to help you be successful. The other thing you mentioned too is using driving PPC and also doing lower quantities. So with these lower quantities and working with new suppliers, do you just do sea shipping for these ones when you’re first testing them out? Or do you do air shipping for those and then switch to sea after?
George: For most of the products, sea shipping is okay. I know a lot of people are really eager to get started. I think that specific question just depends on the product. I’m interested in pursuing products that aren’t like a lot of other FBA sellers particularly selling, so that just so happens that I’m shipping by sea a lot of the time. But in many instances, we have to ship by air too. So that’s also possible as well. It’s either way. Another thing is that if you can find a domestic manufacturer for your products, that’s very helpful too. The price may be a little bit higher. There’s a really good website called ThomasNet where you can find domestic manufacturers for a lot of products. So I think that those are really good research tools to be able to find people who are making products. That’s a really great way to get started, and then you can go overseas later on. I know that’s also obviously pretty limiting because a lot of times, there’s injection molding that’s involved in a specific product line. So if you’re using a new molding, you may have to produce in quantities of thousands. So that’s also something to consider. But there’s never going to be the perfect product. You’re going to find products that are really good. But the more products you put on Amazon, you’ll keep the winners, and then you’ll kill the losers, in my experience. Sometimes a “loser” will perform later on, or maybe it’s not being marketed in the right way. There’s always something that you can learn from the process. But I look at my portfolio products on Amazon. And I think a lot about the stock market. And I try to think, “if I’m a portfolio manager, what am I going to do?” Am I just going to invest in one stock, and then I’m just going to see if it’s going to do really well or not? Probably not. What I’m going to do is I’m going to invest in 15 stocks, and then I’m going to see what does well, and then I’m going to keep those. And then I’m going to start to work with the ones that aren’t doing so well and then see if they can be improved. And if they can’t, then I’ll get rid of them. So those are all things that I think about when considering my specific product line on Amazon.
Chris Guthrie: That’s great. I’ll mention that for show notes, just go to to check those out. Another question on the PPC side. You mentioned you started PPC before. And again, I know this is dependent upon the niche you’re selling in, being lower competition, and some of the other elements you talked about. You started PPC fairly early on. What type of strategies are you using for doing your pay-per-click? Is there anything beyond typical running manual-sponsored campaigns as well as automated sponsored ad campaigns?
George: I’m actually not even that great at PPC. I think that I’m pretty bad at it. I mean right now, I’m pretty okay with our sales versus overspending on PPCs. I’m pretty sure that could be optimized in the future. But I don’t want to give anyone any advice on PPC because I don’t feel like I’m that great. What I use a lot of the times is I’ll go to Merchant Words and I’ll find specific demand for products. I mean I know that’s not perfect, but it’s a really great starting point. And what I’ll do is I’ll use a lot of those keywords, and I’ll put them into my keyword that’s in my title, I’ll put them into description and also into the bullets and also in the keywords into the back end. And then I’ll start running an automatic campaign. And that’s basically it. There are a couple of products that I’ll specifically focus on doing. I’m doing manual campaigns. But for the most part, they’re all automatic. And it’ll give you some pretty good returns, and I’ve been pretty happy with the way the PPC has worked out, especially as many competitors that I’m focusing on may not use PPC necessarily. So it’s been really good.
Chris Guthrie: That’s great. So let’s talk a little bit more about your overall business as a whole. How much time are you spending on this? I already know the answer to this question, but were you selling on other places besides Amazon before those nine months? I’m assuming that you had some experience elsewhere as well.
George: Yeah, it’s so funny because I started selling to a lot of flash sale sites, actually. I was selling a lot of products on Gilt Groupe. I was selling products on One Kings Lane, on Wayfair, Joss and Main. Also internationally, we’re selling a lot of products on the One Kings Lane of Europe, which is called Westling (?), or the One Kings Lane of Australia, which is called Temple & Webster. So there are all these different flash sale websites around 2012, 2013 that we were selling to. Those were our main clients. And then after that, we started selling to a lot of brick-and-mortar stores. So we sell to Bed, Bath & Beyond. We sell to HomeGoods and also on a number of other dotcoms too. I’ve never sold on Amazon up until about nine months ago. And it’s been really great. The product line had to be tweaked a little bit to be able to be sold specifically on Amazon. And I’m also adding a number of products that I hadn’t sold before on Amazon, which has been really great.
But at the same time, I’ve had prior ecommerce experience but not necessarily on Amazon, which is a totally different beast. And I think that’s something that you should be focused on. If you are selling on Amazon and you are having some success, at your first moment of finding success, I would try to diversify your product line, because you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket. I mean Amazon is great but God forbid, if anything happens with your Amazon store, they would totally cut off all the sales that you’re currently generating. So there are a number of other ecommerce websites that are really looking for product. And so it’s important to be able to reach out to those guys and be able to sell specifically on those sites.
Chris Guthrie: Definitely, that’s great. It’s great advice. And I think even too, just the thing you talked about before of looking at what traditional portfolio manager would do, and then relating that to not sticking to only a single product. It makes sense in terms of diversifying your actual ecommerce business as well, so that’s great.
Another question too is you’ve been selling for quite a while. What are some of the big mistakes that you’ve made along the way? And what did you learn from those that you could maybe relate to others to help avoid some of the same mistakes you made?
George: Countless mistakes. I mean I probably made more mistakes than anyone, I feel. And I’m still making mistakes. I’m still dealing with this one issue with some of the damages and some of our products. It’s like it’s never-ending. And if your listeners can take this away, my advice regarding mistakes is that you should look at Amazon as like your practice. You’re just practicing, and you’re just getting better and better and better. And the only way that your Amazon business is going to fail is if you decide just to give up. So if you just keep charging along and you keep working, you’ll eventually find a way to be able to resolve all of your issues. It’s the one thing that you really need to be able to focus on, i.e. making mistakes are just part of the process. And if you can keep going through and keep pushing through, you’ll eventually be able to find success. Listening to podcast like this is also very helpful, at least for me, and then also reading other blogs and things like that. And then also you should just use your gut. Even if people are doing some sketchy or nefarious things up on Amazon, if it feels wrong in your gut to be able to do it to get fake reviews or to be able to sell not a great product or something like that, all those things will kill your business. But if you’re honest about it, then I think you’ll eventually be able to find success. It’s just a matter of time.
Chris Guthrie: Definitely, that’s great advice. If you’ve been selling before back on these different types of deal sites and also through Amazon for about nine months, I’m assuming that you have some additional help in terms of growing this business. You’re probably not doing it all yourself.
George: Yeah, I’ve had additional help. I’m mostly running it, at least now like pay-per-click or sales or things like that. I mean I’m the one who’s going in there and managing that entire process. Because I have an existing business already, a lot of those resources are now being focused on selling on Amazon. But it’s not anything that I can’t do on my own. And I think that probably, once you reach a point of doing more than, let’s say, $30,000 in sales per month, maybe it’s time to hire a VA who can help out with a couple of things too. This is a time-intensive business at the beginning of your product listing, but then after you’ve already done the product listing and the photography and things like that, there shouldn’t be a ton of other things to do. And once you have a couple of products that are really cooking, there’s nothing else really to do. It runs on its own. But that shouldn’t be like idle time. I think you should spend that time either trying to find new products or diversifying your product line or constantly thinking about ways that you can improve the specific product and make your customers happy, because if you make your customers happy, people are going to come back. And that, I think, is the most important thing for any business, really.
Chris Guthrie: Definitely. So what are some of the other things that they are doing in your business? If there’s some stuff that you can give examples of, maybe the first things that you pass off to them. Or maybe when you first started selling on Amazon, you already had them up and saying, “Hey, you’re working on this.” Or are they just doing the things like creating the listings for you, taking the photos for you etc.
George: Yeah, that’s pretty much it. I outsource all my photography. Right now, I do all the product descriptions myself. What I’d like to do is at this point, I have a VA responding specifically to customer complaints, and if there’s anything that needs to get fixed, he’s the one who handles that. If it’s a higher level thing, he’ll address it specifically to me, and then I’ll have to deal with at that point. But for the most part, most of it is me, pay-per-click is all me, doing a lot of the research to. I’m really managing a lot of the stuff on my own. But some of the more admin things like labeling and things like that, he’s the one who is making sure our warehouse is managing that 100 percent appropriately and that our vendors know the exact specifications, like for issuing a PO, I’ll tell him specifically exactly what to write. And then he can just write the PO specifically for them. And then we either use a freight forwarder, FedEx, or the ocean freight shipment of DHL in order to be able to deliver products specifically to our warehouse. And then all those instructions go one by one. But once you do it once, it’s just so much easier afterwards. If anything is too easy, I would be a little bit wary of that, especially when you’re first getting started out. If something is a little bit harder or it’s harder to ship or it’s harder to get the product made or things like that, those, I think, are what we call in business as barriers for entry. Those are the things that you almost want to have when you’re getting started because if it’s too easy, if you can order a thousand oven mitts in 20 days and get them shipped to your warehouse and they’re already labeled and things like that, a lot of people are probably already selling that product, and I don’t think it’s necessarily worth it.
Chris Guthrie: I love that. I think that’s just a continual theme that’s a good takeaway point for people who are listening. If you’re in that product research phase and you’re thinking, “Wow! This is really easy to get something picked,” then maybe you need to look for those challenges that other people usually walk away from. So that’s great.
George: And things change over time. Products that I thought were really good maybe three months ago or four months ago, I’m looking at them now, and I’m like, “nah, maybe I wouldn’t go into that category anymore.” I mean things change over time, and there’s a lot that you can learn from just getting a product up there. I have a good friend. We worked our former jobs together. We stayed in touch. We’re part of a little workout group. So we meet on regular basis. And he keeps talking about the products he’s going to launch on Amazon, and he just doesn’t do it. And he’s like, “I’ve just got to find the right product. And it’s like, “Dude, there are so many products that you can launch, and you’re just not doing it.” I just have to go back to Scott Voelker because he’s definitely the big inspiration for me. At the same time, he tells you like take action. So I think that that’s something that is really important. You really just have to just do the work. If you don’t do the work, you’re just not going to see results, and I can guarantee you that 100 percent. I can’t guarantee you success on Amazon, but I will guarantee you that if you don’t do the work, you won’t find success. So I mean just get started with a really small product and just get busy doing it. I really encourage people who are really starting out to find something like Retailer Arbitrage, just so they can get through the motions of creating an Amazon account, doing some of the listings, sending inventory down to Amazon FBA. Actually, my first product that I sold, not a white-label product but my first product that I sold on Amazon was through Retailer Arbitrage because I was getting into this and I wanted to learn more. It’s kind of a funny story. Right after Christmas of last year, Christmas 2014, I went to CVS, and I used one of the apps that they use for retail. I don’t know. I think it was called Profit Bandit or one of the other apps. And so I scanned a couple of products. And the two products that I found that were really heavily marked down with these two life-sized dolls. And so what I did was I carried these life-sized dolls. I was in upstate New York at the time. And I carried these two life-sized dolls to my home. I got them packaged, I put all the labeling on them, and I sent them to Amazon’s warehouse. And then after three or four days, all of them got sold. And I was like, “Oh my God, it’s awesome. These dolls are actually selling.” And it was totally ridiculous. I was with my family the whole time. They were laughing at me, making fun of me. And it was totally appropriate for a grown man carrying around these two dolls in the days after the Christmas. But it was just a way to get started. And it was like okay, this actually works. I was actually able to sell something and make a lot of money. But it was just a way to get started. And then from there, I started the private labeling journey after that, and it’s just evolved from there.
Chris Guthrie: That’s awesome. I think it really comes down to that attitude of ultimately taking action, just in terms of life and business in general—even if it’s a small action, like in your case, trying your product through Retail Arbitrage just to try it out first. It’s great. And even hearing too that you did that, even though you’d already been selling in other areas, that’s even encouraging for people that are trying to decide what to do as well, so that’s great.
George: Yeah. I mean I had my existing business. And I’ve worked on that for a number of years. And it took me almost like a year to see any success in that other business. With Amazon, I was able to see success a lot faster, which I think is really great. You’d be able to find success. This is not something that you have to do full-time. You can find success in this just doing this full-time.
Chris Guthrie: That’s awesome. The final question to wrap up, what are some of your long-term goals for business? You mentioned you had your other business before, and now you’ve been selling on Amazon for about nine months or so. What are you shooting for? Are you shooting for just continual growth? Or are you thinking about a potential exit at some point down the road? Everyone has different goals for what they’re shooting for, so I’m curious to see what yours are.
George: There’s so much to explore. … I’m definitely not looking for an immediate exit. I’m definitely thinking about this in the longer term. But I definitely think there are a number of ways to improve our existing business. And I really want to get our existing business right and then start to add more product lines. And think that’s the future. And then also expand to other ecommerce platforms too, other dotcoms that are available right now too. Amazon is pretty unique in terms of the ways that you sell on Amazon, but I want to be able to expand that product line to other ecommerce dotcoms. I think that’ll just make a lot more sense for us in the future.
Chris Guthrie: Awesome. Thanks so much for coming on and sharing your expertise. I think it was great, a lot of insights in terms of how you pick your products and also just your plans. And even after that $200,000 a month on Amazon, I know we didn’t talk about the other numbers, but I assume that they’re pretty solid as well. But you’re still thinking, “Okay, let’s keep building it. Let’s see where else we can expand out to and continue to grow the business.” That’s fantastic.
George: Yeah, I really feel like even those numbers, I’m just scratching the surface of Amazon. I really think that there are a number of ways to continue to grow to build a business. There’s so much opportunity there. And if you’re looking to supplement your full-time income or you’re looking to make this your full-time business, there’s a lot that you can do there. I mean it’s just one channel, so as an entrepreneur, you really want to be able to have a diversified income stream that comes in. So you don’t want to just rest all your eggs in one basket. If anything, that will be my advice for anyone who’s just getting started. But yeah, good luck. It’s been a lot of fun for me. I’ve been able to connect with a lot of people. I love nerding out over Amazon with guys like you, Chris. It’s awesome. It’s a lot harder to nerd out over selling on or something like that, but Amazon is truly unique in terms of the strategies, in the ways that you can advance. And in my opinion, it’s a fantastic platform, so I’m really grateful for that too.
Chris Guthrie: Awesome. Thanks again, George. And I had a lot of fun. And thanks again for joining us.
George: Cool, okay, good luck, Chris, thanks.
Outro: Right. And that was the episode with George. I want to say thank you again for him joining us today. Hopefully, you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed speaking with him. 0 to $200,000 per month on Amazon in only nine months is quite a feat. Yes, he is and was selling on other locations before that, but the fact that he’s able to grow so quickly on a new platform is fantastic. And I also think that the advice that he shared too of just really needing to take action is something that you should take to heart. If you’re already thinking about trying to sell on Amazon and you aren’t doing it yet, then really, this is the type of episode that should help get a kick in your pants to get going.
If you’re already selling on Amazon, good job, that’s great. You can go to to sign up for a free trial of Salesbacker, the same tool that George uses, that we created to help you get more product reviews on Amazon.
And finally, you can go to to check out the show notes and all the different resources that George mentioned. Thank you so much for listening, and have a great rest of your day.