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Rob Tierney is on the show today. He's worked on his businesses remotely for years and is currently based in Thailand while selling his products on Amazon.

Rob loves to focus on obscure products and the members of his close knit mastermind group actually make fun of him for the products that he chooses. One big takeaway from Rob's call was that if it's too easy to source and sell it's probably not a product you should be selling because that means another competitor could do the same product as you with ease.

Listen carefully as there are several things Rob is doing to succeed on Amazon that you should be doing as well.

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Podcast Transcript

Chris Guthrie: Hello everyone Chris Guthrie here, host of Sellercast and in today’s episode I’m speaking with Rob Tierney who is currently based in Thailand and selling on Amazon. The conversation we had is fairly laid back frankly but I think you will enjoy the topics that we covered. Also there is a very strong contingent of people that are based in Thailand and selling on Amazon so if you are one of those people please do stop by the show on and feel free to post on the comments and perhaps you will be able to meet up with Rob as well. So let’s go ahead and start the show and hopefully you will enjoy this episode.

Chris Guthrie: Hello everyone Chris Guthrie here and today I have with me Rob Tierney who is currently based in Thailand. How’s it going?

Rob Tierney: Hey how’s it going? It is going pretty well. Sitting here in the sun drinking a juice; so yeah business as usual in Thailand. 

Chris Guthrie: Yes it is nice weather there right now?

Rob Tierney: Yes, it is high season in Phuket so it is mainly sunny and a little bit of rain but yeah. 

Chris Guthrie: And you have been based in that specific area of Thailand for the entire time you’ve been there?

Rob Tierney: Well no, no. Well I’ve been in Asia six years in January.

Chris Guthrie: Okay.

Rob Tierney: I guess three and a half of those were in China and then I moved to Chiang Mai for about two and a half years and I only just got to Phuket about three weeks ago.

Chris Guthrie: Oh okay. So is that going to be your new home base for a longer period of time?

Rob Tierney: No, no. Phuket I’m just here to train. I’m doing Muay Thai at the moment. The particular area of Phuket is just pretty much called workout street. It is just jammed with Muay Thai ... It is a good place to just get in shape I guess. If anyone is interested in coming to Thailand, Phuket is a great place to visit, but for internet marketing purposes it is not so great. 

Chris Guthrie: I hear that pretty much everyone is in Chiang Mai, is that correct?

Rob Tierney: Yeah, hordes of people. I got there in 2013 August and within about 1 year I guess the community probably doubled. 

Chris Guthrie: Oh wow, okay. 

Rob Tierney: It is really cheap. The quality of life is great and it is excellent for networking. 

Chris Guthrie: Yeah, yeah. I mean we are definitely going to talk about our businesses of course but I think that you are the first person that we’ve had on that is currently based in Thailand and has been traveling for a longer period of time. What were you doing before you started selling on Amazon to try to get a bit of background.

Rob Tierney: Okay, I guess I have been doing kind of web design since 1997 and there I guess I was working for the man up until about 2007 to 2008. I was taking kind of career breaks and stuff. I then got to China in 2010. I decided to do kung fu so I was pretty much off the grid for about 7 months or so and then my money started to run out so I had to start doing my own online stuff which started out with Amazon affiliate sniper sites. That was great. I was bringing in I think I was pulling in around 1,000 per month and in China and in Asia that’s plenty to live on, that’s fine, but the community was not so big where I was living in China. Most of the people are either English teachers, rock climbers, or tour guides and whatnots. I started to do some business ventures with some guys online and one of those turned out to be, he was quite well known in the Amazon community. It all happened very organically and we started to do information products together and then he convinced me to go to visit Chiang Mai. It was actually Fusion Dojo event, like a 5-day seminar and I just met loads of cool people and I said that’s it, I’m moving here. That was really a big turning point for my business. I met a lot of bullshit artists but I also met a lot of people who knew what they were talking about. I mean there are a lot of chancers there doing all sorts of stuff but you start to make good connections and you figure out where the real value is. You’ve got to offer value of course yourself. I scaled up and then I was doing a video production business; that was pretty good. Again, it is a service industry so it takes up your time and you’ve got to acquire clients and takes time and effort. Then I think it was early 2014 a friend of mine in Chiang Mai, he had done the ASM course and he was about I’d say he was about maybe 8 months in and his numbers were just crazy. He came to three of us he trusted and just said here lads look, you’ve got to take a closer look at this. He basically explained the nuts and bolts and we had enough online knowledge to figure out the rest. He didn’t hand hold us but he just sat down with us one afternoon and he broke it down and I was lucky to actually start this whole Amazon process with a good friend of mine in Chiang Mai at the time, a good friend from Canada. So we were able to just bounce ideas off each other and my friend I should probably state, he got into the whole supplements kind of area so he was sourcing all of his stuff from the US. He never did anything with China so me and my buddy in Chiang Mai we had to figure out the whole Chinese thing ourselves and that I guess the fact that I had lived in China for 3-1/2 years helped but it was still learning as we went. 

Chris Guthrie: Okay.

Rob Tierney: That’s pretty much my main business now, FBA. 

Chris Guthrie: So I won’t say his last name because I know that he likes for the most part not be as vocal in the community but it is our mutual friend Ben. I just wanted to confirm that. So in 2014 so when was your first product live and you said you sourced from China and we can talk about the sourcing challenges or successes as we go on but when was your first product go live?

Rob Tierney: My first product went live let’s see I think it was about April or probably would have been late May. Now I started probably February with the whole process of researching but I was ready to pull the trigger on a product in about February or March. I say about six weeks before that I was all ready to go with another product and then at the last minute it just didn’t feel right and I had like all the supplier lined up, I had everything designed and then I just thought to myself, you know while the competition was not very big at the time I just got this feeling that this product was too easy to replicate. I know it is a mess.

Chris Guthrie: Interesting.

Rob Tierney: It was an absolute mess this product. There are so many like I’m seeing now on FBA it is extremely difficult to find those products that I guess are unique enough that all you are really competing with are old school merchants or whatnot. So basically anything that is really easy to white label I tend to stay away from now. The more difficult the better I think. 

Chris Guthrie: Yeah, so you are kind of unease really was just based on the you know what I think this is too easy. That was the sole thing that made you think okay I’m not going to do it?

Rob Tierney: There were two main sellers at the time and the margin was extremely good. I mean I think I was picking it up for $1.20 and the main seller was selling it for $25.00. The shipping was peanuts. It was so small and you could just DHL it over. It all looked very good on paper but from $25.00 1-1/2 years ago I guess it is now, this guy is selling it for like $7.50 now. They are probably making next to nothing. So it is a mess. So I’m glad I didn’t.

Chris Guthrie: So you dodged the ball on your first one. You could have potentially could have made a mistake but you managed to presumably pick something better right?

Rob Tierney: Yeah, but was still risky. We’ve got a little mastermind group now and they kind of make a joke that I pick the oddest strangest products.

Chris Guthrie: (Laughter). 

Rob Tierney: That seems to be working for me. Well I’ve got other friends who are sticking with a certain kind of niche and they are building a brand. I’m building a brand but I want to keep it extremely general. I want to just be under the sort of home and garden type of umbrella. You can pretty much put most things in that category I guess. 

Chris Guthrie: Yeah.

Rob Tierney: So yeah, I didn’t want to pigeonhole myself with fishing or something and then I’m fishing master and I’m selling golf clubs or golf stuff.

Chris Guthrie: Yeah.

Rob Tierney: My products are quite strange but I like those kinds of products. It is the process of just keep digging and digging and it is not like I initially go and look for those, you just find out what are these other people looking at and what else. Then sometimes I don’t even…the products I find I didn’t even know really existed and then you are like I guess there’s a market for that and you just take it from there. 

Chris Guthrie: Interesting. Okay, what process do you use to find these or is it just that now that you are in this unusual space you just look for something and if it is like well there’s more than “X” number of sellers selling it well that is not something I want to do. Do you have a specific formula that you use or is it just intuitive type?

Rob Tierney: It is more intuitive. It is kind of…I use a combination of obviously I’m researching on Amazon and then I’ve got tools. I used to use Azonseller tools. They had a very simple software that just told you….they calculated the BSR and you could see at a glance using star kind of ratings of green and orange stars. It was very easy but then I think Jungle Scout is pretty good. It gives you all the data you need, so I am able to look at BSR and products and say okay there’s something in this and then obviously I will calculate shipping and whatnot, but I also like to check on EBay and see what is going on there with similar products. Taobao, Chinese Taobao see if similar products are selling there or you might even find other strange things on Taobao using…. I need to use Google translator for that. 

Chris Guthrie: Taobao what is the actual URL? I haven’t heard of that one before. 

Rob Tierney: Taobao, T-A-O-B-A-O.

Chris Guthrie: 

Rob Tierney: Yeah. 

Chris Guthrie: Or 

Rob Tierney: It is pretty much…it is probably twice as big as EBay. Actually ten times bigger. It is the Chinese EBay. 

Chris Guthrie: Oh, okay. 

Rob Tierney: So yeah, I’m pretty much just digging around. 

Chris Guthrie: Do you have a specific BSR range that you should shoot for? Like you won’t target any profits.

Rob Tierney: Well the BSR I don’t really worry too much about the BSR because now that I’m using tools like Jungle Scout it gives you a rough estimate of the monthly I think net revenue so obviously the BSR is different for each category. I guess if it is in sports and stuff you want your BSR below 2000 to 3000 or something. Home and garden you want like in the low 1000s as well but then again it depends on do you want to sell like a higher end product; less of those per day making some serious return or do you just want to sell in bulk. I’ve products that do both and as far as I am concerned like I’ve heard people say I need to make at least $15.00-$20.00 profit or I am not interested but you know you’d be surprised at some of these little products how much money they can bring in just from sheer volume. Just looking on something like Jungle Scout it just gives you a very quick; it is not obviously these numbers are just a rough guide, a rough estimation. 

Chris Guthrie: Another question I had too was in terms of how you are distinguishing your products from your competitors or because you are going some obscure maybe you don’t even need to necessarily worry about that. 

Rob Tierney: I think packaging is extremely important to obviously brand your own products if you can get your logo on it somehow. I like to put things in nice boxes. 

Chris Guthrie: So you are just doing a poly bag type thing and then just sending it on its way?

Rob Tierney: I have products…I have some cheaper products that are just in poly bags but I make sure that my label has my logo and branding on it. These obviously would be easier than some of my other products to copy. In fact, my first product was completely copied by another ASMer. Even the box they…it is the exact same…it looks terrible but it is like they literally gave it to somebody on Fiverr and said can you recreate this box and it is just shameless. 

Chris Guthrie: I mean I’m laughing and when I laugh it is more just because it is a similar story I’ve heard from others and some are frustrated. Well it is frustrating and it is just kind of like well. It is what it is I guess.

Rob Tierney: Even their name was quite similar to the name of my particular brand for this product. It was just a joke. 

Chris Guthrie: So how are they doing compared to your sales on that one specifically. 

Rob Tierney: They are probably around the same. They dropped their price drastically and then I of course had to drop my price and then they gamed it extremely hard. So they knew what they were doing. I had my day in the sun for quite a while I guess. It was inevitable. It was quite a strange product and my friends used to laugh at me. When I started it they said what the hell is that? Then they were quite surprised when I was making some good money with it. So my point is you can find what you think is a really unique product but eventually I think the tools are starting to get a lot better, I’m saying Jungle Scout. There was another one actually like a Jungle Scout clone. What was it called? Unicorn Smasher or something? 

Chris Guthrie: Yeah, there are different browser extensions and then I am involved with Amasuite for example. There are lots of tools. 

Rob Tierney: Yeah, the tools are now making it extremely easy for people to find out what is selling which I guess is good if you are looking to start out but it is just a lot of copycats out there now. 

Chris Guthrie: Yeah, okay let’s talk about that. I don’t want to keep saying the same thing but are you really just…like is the only thing you are really doing to help prevent copycats is to do these obscure products that are maybe more difficult to source or that are more challenging or is there something else that you are doing? Or is it just a matter of just you know what it is inevitable that someone is going to copy you so you just make your money as you go and you just kind of keep doing more products and doing more products? 

Rob Tierney: I think it is inevitable and I think you’ve got to keep releasing products. You can make a lot of money in this game and you can live quite well but then it seems to be you are putting a lot of your money back into your business so I think you’ve got to keep feeding the Amazon machine for as long as you can and then just have a nice catalogue of products. Something might be like a rock star for 6 months and you can kind of sit back and coast but eventually it doesn’t happen to everyone of course but eventually some other ASMer will just kind of find it and just clone you and that is just the way it is. 

Chris Guthrie: Yeah. Are you looking at doing anything else? I guess this maybe would come into thinking about your long-term plans for the business. I know you are based in Thailand right now and before we did our call you were at the gym and you were there just kind of working out and sounds like having fun. Is it more that the business is here just to kind of serve your lifestyle and that is the primary purpose or are you also thinking like how do I really make this something that can last and I can continue to grow? 

Rob Tierney: There’s kind of spurts of busyness and then there are spurts of there’s not really….of course I could be working every day and I potentially could be earning more money than I am now but for me I am earning plenty to live a really good lifestyle so for me my time is extremely important. Right now my focus is obviously is on my business but I do put a couple of hours in a week. Some days would be maybe three or four hours and some days it might be just an hour. Like right now I am developing two new products. While they are in the production stage there is not too much I can do. I am constantly in contact with my suppliers through  QQ just to get updates. So now I know how long it does take to have a product developed and you usually add about 10 to 15 days because that is just China. 

Chris Guthrie: (Laughter). How long did it take you so that people that are listening can compare the numbers to yours? 

Rob Tierney: Some products are different. They all say around 20-30 days but if you start including…if you start to add on your little features that can add…it really depends on your supplier too. Some of them get it. For instance my latest product I sent detailed instructions and I actually ordered another product not from Amazon but from another website and I said it has got to be similar to this but just….and I said detailed instructions of how different I wanted it to be and I actually met my supplier she was at the Canton Fair in October and she brought the sample with her and I was just shocked they just knocked it out of the park. I was like holy crap! So that should be ready to ship before Chinese New Year which I should remind people can be a death blow to your business if you miss that. 

Chris Guthrie: (Laughter) Yeah, February right? 

Rob Tierney: February 12th I think but late January they just start to shut down and they are in shutdown mode. You have to remember as well it is not just your supplier…sometimes it is…if it is a small little spatula or some basic little product you are okay but if you are dealing with a product that has components like say a certain type of plug or some other elements or you might even have printed cards or a nice box or whatever, you have to understand as well that your factory is most likely sourcing from other factories or if there are materials or zips involved they are ordering them from other factories. It could be something as small as… we can’t get your order ready because this factory is closed a week before Chinese New Year or something. While your supplier might be still open, it is the other suppliers they are relying on that can really mess you up. 

Chris Guthrie: Yeah, and I double checked for the people listening it is February 8, 2016 which is Chinese New Year. Definitely make sure. Pretty much right now would be when you would want to be making sure your products are in production before it can get shipped out. 

Rob Tierney: Big time. 

Chris Guthrie: Okay, let’s talk to you about how many products do you have right now? Or you can give us a rough range, that’s fine too. 

Rob Tierney: I’ve got six products and I’ve got two in production. 

Chris Guthrie: Okay and of those six and the two that are in production, how many different suppliers do you have? Are you using one supplier for most of them or do you have a different supplier for each product type of thing?

Rob Tierney: I have three suppliers and one supplier does two of my products and the other one does another two and the rest does the rest. I have a supplier that does kind of like small products for me so it is kind of handy. 

Chris Guthrie: Yeah I wanted to ask more questions about your suppliers but this is another question too, you don’t have to answer but are you able to share your revenue numbers? Monthly revenue average? 

Rob Tierney: Sure. Net I would say let me see average about $18,000 to $20,000. 

Chris Guthrie: So you are making $18,000 to $20,000 per month yourself but then your gross is then above that. 

Rob Tierney: Yeah, yeah. 

Chris Guthrie: That’s awesome. Well your story talking about being in China I believe is where you said $1000 per month and you were golden. 

Rob Tierney: Yeah, you could actually in Chiang Mai they say and I’ve lived there you can live on even less than $1000 per month in Chiang Mai. I mean it is silly. You can actually have an apartment for like $100 per month….a nice little apartment. 

Chris Guthrie: (Laughter) So when you hear people say it would be nice if I could use my online business or move to another country and run it from there, you say well you can and you probably just don’t realize the potential. 

Rob Tierney: Yeah. It is kind of like um…even when you start earning more money you still…it is not like I’m in yachts and all this kind of crap.

Chris Guthrie: (Laughter).

Rob Tierney: A lot of my money goes back into my business. Obviously I can take more. I like to travel too so I can take a few more trips. Like I’ve visited quite a few places this year and it just means you don’t have to worry too much about always, “Oh I can’t do this and I can’t do that.” Obviously if you’ve got a little bit more money in the bank you can do more stuff. I’m having as much fun now as I did back when I was earning like $1000 really. 

Chris Guthrie: Yeah. You said before like 1 hour to 4 hours per day is roughly what you are doing right? So like an average?

Rob Tierney: Well see that’s the thing, it is hard to quantify because…

Chris Guthrie: You might just hop on for a little bit. 

Rob Tierney: Now that you have like smart phones and things. For instance, I’m in the gym right and let’s say I do a set of something. I will take a 1 minute or 2 minute rest. I can just pop over to my phone and check and email or a QQ or a message and it might be my supplier going, I can’t blah, blah, blah and so I’ll just hop onto Dropbox, get a phone number, and boom. That can take two or three minutes or you could just be at breakfast in the morning or you can just be traveling. You know yourself, it is not like okay I’m going to sit down at a desk now and I’m going to put one hour of work in. I like to do that too when I’m busy. I like to design my own boxes and logos because I’m from a graphic design background. Now in that circumstance I need to have my laptop and I need quiet time and I need to focus but a lot of work can just be done while sitting. You can even be sitting on the toilet and getting some work done. 

Chris Guthrie: (Laughter).

Rob Tierney: It is great or long bus journeys as long as you’ve got like a good data connection you can get work done. So it can be broken up into parts and I’m sure every other online worker here is the same. You can get little bits of work done here and there. 

Chris Guthrie: Yeah, yeah. I’m just curious to see when I talk to different sellers what they are doing and if it differs with other people I’m talking about and just to see what people are doing as best practices; especially people listening and they can apply it to their own businesses. Do you have anyone that is helping you out on your team or is it just you right now? 

Rob Tierney: It is just me. I have a mastermind group of close friends and we do share some quality information with each other. So if I find something that is like really working or if I need help with a particular thing I know they are there and it is an excellent resource. 

Chris Guthrie: I found across any industry it does not matter if it is Amazon or whatever that the best mastermind groups seem to be where you really try individually to add as much value to the group as possible, sort of like a give first rather than trying to really just take you know. 

Rob Tierney: Yeah.

Chris Guthrie: It sounds like that is what you have right now. 

Rob Tierney: This isn’t like one of these big….

Chris Guthrie: Yeah, it is a small group right. 

Rob Tierney: There are only six of us. 

Chris Guthrie: Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. That’s great. 

Rob Tierney: It’s just like more like friends. We just help each other out. I mean I did have a guy on a DC event just hey can I join your mastermind group and I didn’t really even know this guy and I didn’t want to be rude but it is kind of like, well not really no because it is more of personal close friends that you trust. I have thought of other mastermind groups too and they can be helpful but I guess I value the smaller group more. 

Chris Guthrie: Sorry when you said DC that was like Dynamite Circle or Tropical MBA, those guys?

Rob Tierney: Yeah, yeah. 

Chris Guthrie: Okay, cool. You know we are actually somewhat close to our end here but I really enjoy just kind of generally talking to you about what it is you are doing in your business and trying to bounce back and forth. I wanted to talk a little more about your sourcing aspect and then maybe we will wrap up here. What are you doing for sourcing? You have already mentioned a few different sites that I had not heard of recently. Are you using Alibaba primarily or are you doing other sources. 

Rob Tierney: Am I using sorry what was that? 

Chris Guthrie: Alibaba. 

Rob Tierney: Yep. Honestly Alibaba is pretty much where I find most of my suppliers and I don’t know once you get stuck in you can kind of figure out who the chancers are. There are a lot of middlemen on Alibaba.

Chris Guthrie: Yeah. 

Rob Tierney: From talking to them and I do throw in a little bit of Chinese and they are kind of impressed by that. I actually…I like to get them off…if the numbers coming back with the quotes are good and I get a good feeling, I like to get them off Alibaba and I get their QQ, which is…you know what QQ is?

Chris Guthrie: Yes, I am familiar. 

Rob Tierney: Okay, anyone who is not Chinese MSN I guess and it is a lot easier to stay in touch with suppliers through QQ; Skype too but they tend to have their QQ on all of the time. It is a lot better for file sharing and it just works really well. I think they kind of take you a bit more seriously when they see you have a QQ. Mostly using Alibaba and then of course I use my inspection team and they are based in Shenzhen. 

Chris Guthrie: Oh okay. How did you find your inspection team? Did you also find them through China or through a friend referral or something else?

Rob Tierney: I think a friend referred me. I used to use a crowd called AQF Quality Control and they were charging about $300 per inspection which I thought was pretty good and then somebody recommended Top Wind to me and because I used AQF a few times, Top Wind were a bit cheaper. 

Chris Guthrie: Top Win or Top Wind?

Rob Tierney: Top Win. If you go to my….I don’t know do I need to say? 

Chris Guthrie: You can link yeah. 

Rob Tierney: Well you can stick a link to my Facebook Group and there is a special offer there for group members. Top Win charge…I usually get what is called a pre-shipment inspection which is like generally I will get a sample sent to me. I will say alright send me your stuff and then I will open it up and I’ll try it out and go okay this seems pretty good and I’ll pull the trigger and they will start the order process. Now when the order is finished, you can take a chance and you can say stick it on a boat and they roll the dice but pre-order shipment basically is they send an agent to the factory and he goes and inspects usually about 15-20% of the total order which I think is awesome. They will find things like loose screws, dents, scratches, logos smudges and it has really saved me in the past. Actually my very first product, my very first shipment the logo just looked like a blob so I just said no, I’m not paying for that. They did it again and I had to send the inspector in again and they got it right the second time. So I never especially with a new shipment I never send anything out until it has been inspected. 

Chris Guthrie: So after you have worked with the suppliers a while, maybe the first two or three shipments do you stop doing it or do you spot check them even down the line as well. 

Rob Tierney: It depends. If it is a simple enough product usually one or two inspections will do but if it is anything to do with electronics, I’d actually do two inspections. I would do…you can do what is called; they’ve got about five different types of inspections on their site. They’ve got one where they go in before the production has even started and they actually check out all the components just to make sure everything is decent and you do your pre-shipment inspection. Because electronics have been…you electronics just fail and it is just a fact. That could also be due to transit. I’ve seen videos of people chucking things on DHL and throwing things into trucks. Make sure everything is … you know. 

Chris Guthrie: Yeah, very important. One final question actually and longtime listeners will know it is something I generally try to ask but I’m always curious to see what people are doing differently then people can take everyone they have listened to and then apply it to their business in different ways or at least test it. So you have two products you say that are in process right now, they are in development. What are you planning to do to launch those two products? What is the strategy you are going to implement? 

Rob Tierney: Okay, well actually one product I actually had sent to my inspectors just to inspect it and that funny enough didn’t work and a button fell off so I might have to walk away from that one or if they can send a decent one but once that is ready to go and I get it on a ship and eventually gets to Amazon to promote them I guess for me it is obviously I want to have my listing as tight as possible. I want good copy. I want good pictures. Then I will use some of the review services out there like most ASMers or FBA’ers are doing right now. 

Chris Guthrie: Yeah. 

Rob Tierney: So I will offer probably deep discounts and slowly but surely you will see your ranking increase.

Chris Guthrie: Deep discount for reviews and turn out some PPC and then just kind of work from there?

Rob Tierney: Pretty much yeah. Now if you’ve chosen the right product and there’s not too much competition, it doesn’t take too long but you know you might get unlucky and choose a product and it might be on a ship and all of the sudden all these other guys are popping up. It has happened to friends of mine and it is extremely frustrating. The only thing you can do in that circumstance is just drop your price. You’ve got to play with the price as well I find. Price is a funny thing. Sometimes you can increase your price and sales will go up. I’ve seen this happen. I tend to like mess with the price for the first few months and just see which one really works. I’ve noticed other sellers that their prices just have not changed. A lot of these are merchants though so old school I guess, that’s their price.

Chris Guthrie: Okay, well cool, I think that wraps up most of the questions I wanted to ask you. A lot of times we are talking about similar topics but everyone has a different way to do it and especially in your case you are based in Thailand and you are the first person that we’ve had on that is in that case and I wanted to see how things vary or if they don’t. So hopefully people enjoyed listening so far and Rob thank you so much for coming on. 

Rob Tierney: Yeah, no worries. Just to remind you as well. I don’t think I mentioned, if you do sign up to the group, you can get I think $20.00 off the Top Win inspection. 

Chris Guthrie: Okay. I will put a link to your Facebook group post about that. So we will put that in the show notes. 

Rob Tierney: Yeah, cheers Chris. I will let you get some sleep because I think it is probably a bit late there now, yeah. 

Chris Guthrie: Yeah it is a different time zone of course when we are doing these recordings but you know whatever we can do to get some value across for people who are listening. Thanks again Rob for coming on and have the rest of your afternoon. 

Rob Tierney: Yeah you too and make sure you don’t miss the McGregor fight. 

Chris Guthrie: Alright (Laughter).

Rob Tierney: I’m not sure if you are a USC fan or not. 

Chris Guthrie: I watch some USC every now and then. 

Rob Tierney: It is going to be a good one. Okay take it easy. All the best. Bye-bye. 

Chris Guthrie: Bye. Alright, and that was the episode with Rob and actually I did take his advice to watch that fight with Conner McGregor and wow that was a very fast one. In any case, hopefully you enjoyed this episode and I’ve known Rob for quite some time and he is a very early user of Sales Backer which he uses to help get more product reviews. Again if you would like to check that out, you can go to to get started using Salesbacker but also if you want to come back to the show notes, you can go to and especially if you are currently based in Thailand and selling. I would love to hear from you as well and perhaps you can meet up with Rob in the comments. Thank you so much for listening and I will see you in the next episode.